Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center

Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Arenduskeskus

Sam Barzilay

Curator and gallerist


Serving as United Photo Industries’ Creative Director, Sam Barzilay is also the co-founder of Photoville, a new pop-up photo destination that made its debut on the Brooklyn waterfront in the summer of 2012. Prior to founding United Photo Industries and launching the United Photo Industries Gallery, he was the Director of the New York Photo Festival. In his dual capacity as curator and festival organizer, he has had the pleasure and privilege of curating photo exhibitions and lecturing on current trends in contemporary photography as far afield as China, Greece, USA, and Japan. Over the past few years, he has served as juror, nominator, and reviewer for the Prix Pictet, Les Rencontres d’Arles, FotoFest International, the New York Photo Awards, Artists Wanted, Google Photography Prize, Silver Eye Fellowship, and FotoVisura Grant, among many others.

Sam Barzilay

Kuraator ja galerist


United Photo Industries kunstilise juhina on Sam Barzilay ühtlasi festivali Photoville algataja, mis toimus esimest korda Brooklyni silla vahetus läheduses 2012. aasta suvel. Enne United Photo Industries platvormi ja galerii asutamist oli Sam fotograafiafestival New York Photo Festival juht. Olles nii kuraator kui ka festivali korraldaja on Samil olnud võimalus ja privileeg kureerida fotograafiale keskenduvaid näitusi ja anda loenguid kaasaegsest fotograafiast Hiinas, Kreekas, Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Jaapanis. Viimasel kümnel aastal on ta kuulunud mitmete mainekate fotoauhindade žüriidesse, sealhulgas Prix Pictet, Les Rencontres d’Arles, FotoFest International, New York Photo Awards, Artists Wanted, Google Photography Prize, Silver Eye Fellowship ning FotoVisura Grant.

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